My Neighbor Totoro

The kids wanted to go see My Neighbor Totoro at The Movie Tavern. This is one of my favorite movies so obviously I was in. Grimm seemed to enjoy the seating at The Movie Tavern much better than at the dollar theater where he had to lay on the floor. I have to say I agree, I enjoy their reclining seats as well.

Not Back To School

Well Grimm doesn’t go to school, and neither do my homeschooled kids (technically anyway). Some friends got together to celebrate Not Back To School on the day the local school district started classes. We all met at Gnome Cones for snow cones and then wandered around the square for a little while. Grimm is a little put out he didn’t get a snow cone, or candy at the candy shop now that he thinks about it. But the giant gnome is pretty cool. He is also sporting his new hair cut, pretending to be a pony.


Well we are in the hottest days of the year but we still got out to the Dallas World Aquarium for a little fun. The derby kids planned this outing, it happened on a Sunday during summer vacation so the aquarium was PACKED. This was Grimm’s first trip to the aquarium and he did an excellent job. He was a little distracted at first by the sound of running water after standing outside in the heat (of course he wore his shoes until we got inside off of the HOT pavement). I think he was pretty sure someone was going to pour him a bowl of water to drink. I also forgot some of the birds were flying free overhead and that was a little surprising and distracting for him but he recovered quickly.

The most difficult part for me was the sheer crush of people. It was hard to stand anywhere without running into or being bumped by someone. Of course we had a lot of walk by petting. At one point one of the kids looked at me and said “that woman just pet Grimm” with a look of sheer shock and betrayal on her face. I said “I know, people do it all of the time.” You would think at an aquarium people would have better things to do than pet my working dog. Unfortunately that is less than true. But at least he knows how to behave.

New Friends

Not long after we returned from LA YoYo the IG joined our family. Terror jumped right into Conformation classes with her and they are doing remarkably well. It took her just a while to settle in but in the few months she has been here they have formed a strong bond. She doesn’t love showing but she will do almost anything for Terror. She is quite confident and well socialized, she enjoys going places and she is very in tune with her boy. He is currently training her to do some task work for him and hopes she may have what it takes to be his service dog. She certainly has impeccable manners.

Well we had barely settled in with YoYo when we made contact with a Whippet Breeder who offered a lovely puppy to him. We couldn’t pass up the offer and Rider joined the family as well. Rider is far more happy in the ring, he is happy everywhere. He is a mischievous little monster who enjoys life to the fullest. He and Grimm are the best of friends. He has been with us for almost 2 months and is coming along beautifully in classes. They plan to be in the show ring the end of September.

He is just as at home in class as running crazy through the yard.

Road Trip

Speaking of big things, North Texas Fallout took a trip to Louisiana to play a derby bout, that means Grimm loaded up for a very long road trip. This was a whole lot of firsts for him. He has been on some road trips before, the trip home from OK was long, but never anything this long. It was a roughly 8hour trip. We stopped several times, even found this neat place with a little pond to walk around.

He essentially had to be “on duty” for two days. At every stop if I needed a “break” he had to escort me inside. He also spent his first night in a hotel, though we chose one that was pet friendly. He did an excellent job through multiple restaurants, a stop at the Old State Capital Museum, a walk through downtown (with many people trying to distract him and dogs barking at him), the derby bout (this is difficult, he isn’t used to working at derby he is usually off duty there), another dinner, and another long trip home. He was more than ready to go to sleep in his own bed when we arrived. We all were. I think everyone had a good time though.

Spring Arrives

With the arrival of Spring Grimm returned to his normal short cut. He also received a new vest and patches. For those who aren’t familiar it is My Neighbor Totoro themed. Grimm reminds me of a Soot Sprite. But more changes were coming.

Our little Blue passed suddenly March 31st. She had been the center of our home for 11years. It left an odd gap in our home and our canine family. We had already been in talks with a breeder to bring an Italian Greyhound into our home (an adult, retired show dog, for Terror to use as a Junior’s Dog) but we all felt uncertain for a time.

The Cold Part of the Year

In the coldest months of the year Grimm grew his lion cut out and I even made him a Snood to keep his ears warm. I don’t think he was impressed with my work though.

We went hiking for my birthday and my youngest son made me a cake. It was 4 level, had berries between the layers, and a delicious mascarpone cream icing.

Christmas Time

From November through December things are busy. Of course we do a lot of fun stuff. Grimm’s favorite thing we do is parades with the Derby team. We marched in the Lewisville Christmas Parade with the team. We also were in the Krampusnacht Parade, unfortunately we don’t have pictures from that (but Grimm sure had fun). So many costumes and lights.

Of course we do other things in the winter. Grimm changed his haircut to a modified lion cut to help stay warm (and because I think it is cute on him). He got some PJ’s to wear to keep him warm in the very cold wind. He enjoyed lazing around the house (he does love to sleep on top of me), and of course he posed with the Christmas Trees.

Halloween Pupper

Well, sorry to say I have dropped the ball on posting here.  It is almost Halloween time again (in our house it is always Halloween but we start really celebrating around September).  I guess life got in the way a bit.  We have been so busy.  I have a lot to share.  Here enjoy a few photos of Grimm’s “big boy collar” and a few pictures of him dressed up to greet on Halloween and enjoying his frozen pumpkin pieces (everyone enjoys a few treats on Halloween night).